> still writing about the score that should have been done at the end of 
> the summer...  :)
> han-wen, you were going to look into this problem back in august, but
> i don't see anything in the most recent docs to suggest that it's been
> taken care of.  is it now possible to put fingerings beside notes
> instead of on top of or beneath them?  you can see from the score at
> the url below that only being able to put them above or below the
> staff won't do.

I tried to do it, but hit on other problems that I did not
expect. Sorry I didn't tell. Especially for you I added a feture that
will let you do it, but it will be a lot of work. This feature will be
in 1.3.2 (And no, the patch  will never be ported to 1.2); Basically,
it lets you add an arbitrary offset to symbols.


Please don't use this Scheme hacking unless you have a good reason.
Support for the \property textExtraOffset will not go into LilyPond in
this form.

I think extra-offset will stay - but perhaps I'll change the name


#(set! generic-thread-properties
          (cons "Text_item"
            (list 'textExtraOffset pair? 'extra-offset)
          (cons "Script"
            (list 'scriptExtraOffset pair? 'extra-offset)

\score {

        \notes \context Voice <
                \context Thread = TA { c'4_1 }
                \context Thread = TB {
                        \property Thread.scriptHorizontal = ##t
                        \property Thread.textExtraOffset = #'(-2.5
                . -2.5)
                        \property Thread.scriptExtraOffset = #'(10.5
                . -2.5)
                e'4-2^\prall }
                \context Thread = TC { g'4^4 }

        \paper { \translator {
                \remove Script_engraver;
                \remove Text_engraver;

                \translator {
                Generic_property_list = #generic-thread-properties
                \consists Script_engraver;
                \consists Text_engraver;


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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