On Tuesday, 23 May 2000, David Boersma writes:

> I have been using lilypond 1.2.17 for a while with some satisfaction. The
> worst trouble I had was that the default dynamic font could not be used
> because mktexpk would crash on it. When I set the font for dynamic marks
> to italic it worked, although it did not look as nice as it could be. 

That's not good.  You should have reported the mktexpk crash (although
our response might have been: upgrade mktexpk).

> I thought might be something silly with LaTeX so I tried an upgrade,
> getting the newest tetex packages available in February but that did not
> change things. I upgraded my linux box from 6.0 to 6.4, including a
> reinstall of all tex things and again the problem persisted.

So mktexpk still crashes?  What's the command, what's the version
(try: mktexpk --version).

> In the mailing list archive I saw that the development versions were
> claimed to be usable so I downloaded a few of them but without success. 
> Either they do not compile, or they do, like 1.3.51 and 1.3.52, but then

[if you find that the latest version doesn't compile, we'd always
 appreciate a bug report]

> ly2dvi crashes during the latex process, saying that the "\theheader" and
> "\thefooter" were not defined.

It looks like you still have some leftovers from lilypond-1.2 installed.
Try to find the file titledefs.tex, do

   locate titledefs.tex,
   find / -name titledefs.tex

> The rpm of 1.3.46 says that it cannot find
> my libguile.so. although it is definitely there (in /usr/local/lib).... I

You need guile-1.3.4 for the LilyPond 1.3 tree.  I guess there's an
rpm on Han-Wen's RPM repository (have a look at the website).

> hate rpms.

Hmm, rpms are good at not leaving leftovers...  What are your problems
with rpms?

> When I now try to go back to 1.2.17, because after these frustrations I am
> willing to live with ugly dynamic markings, 1.2.17 has a font problem:
> fermatas instead of quarter notes etcetera. 

Yes, definately a font cache problem.  Try 'find / -name 'feta*', and
remove any *pk *.tfm you find in that directory.

> What did I try to solve it? 
> - removing all old lilypond directories found with "find /usr -name
> '*lilypond*' -print' (except for the docs or mans) 
> - running the clean-fonts.sh script both in the /var directory and
> in the directory where I edit my '.ly' sources

That's strange.  I'd like to know where you find any feta font leftovers.

> This is a total catastrophe. As far as I can see, I did the most thorough
> reinstall and all necessary resources are uptodate. Still I cannot use
> lilypond, except for producing midi files. Very frustrating. I wasted a
> lot of time and energy in this, maybe I should have mailed earlier, but
> somehow I think it should be something very obvious&trivial. 

That's sad.  I can't remember of someone having persistant font problems
like you had.

> What did I do wrong, what more checks could I do?

See if any of the tips here work out.  If not, try to produce a more
useful bug report, ie, provide a log of the error you get.

> PS: in the online reference manual, in the section "Lyrics and chords",
> something is wrong in the "the river is flowing" example: the text is not
> properly put below the right notes, the melismas go wrong. I tried to use
> the addlyrics command in the same way for my own music but with the same
> odd result. I just resorted to adding the durations explicitly to the
> words. But it would be nice to have the 'addlyrics' and 'automelismata'
> properly working. 

Ok, thanks.  We'll have a look.

[Matrix 1, Kruislaan 419, Amsterdam]

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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