On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

> > On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, Ben Crowder wrote:
> > 
> > > Is there any way in LilyPond to output Encapsulated PostScript (either
> > > directly or indirectly)?  See, what I'm trying to do is this: take the
> > > output (just the staff and notes -- not "Lily was here" or the page
> > > number) and blow it up to 8.5" by 11".  Is this possible?
> I'd say you don't want to learn plain TeX. For LaTeX, 
> a good starting point is the "not so Short Guide to LaTeX"
> paper included in most TeX distributions, a good starting
> point.
> You could certainly get .eps output, just run lilypond
> directly (or ly2dvi with the flag -K), run tex on the
> output file and then 'dvips -E' (if I remember correctly).
> However, I don't recommend to scale the postscript since
> the note symbols are drawn with a bitmapped font by 
> default. It should be possible to get scalable Type 1
> fonts but I don't know the details on how to bring them
> into the Postscript. If someone knows, please send us 
> a description or add it to the FAQ file.
> I you just want letter size output from ly2dvi, there
> is a flag for the paper size. Also, you could change
> the font and staff size in Lilypond.
>    /Mats 

According to the FAQ, when going directly to PostScript, Lilypond produces
Type 3 fonts and uses those.  Is there any way to get them and convert
them to Type 1 (or can I use Type 3 directly?).

Also, how do I get rid of the page numbering and the "Lily was here" at
the bottom of the page?  I've looked *everywhere*, but it's not in the

Finally, are there archives for this list?


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