> In this example (which is quite common) the digit 8 is
> there to signify the resolution of the preceding 9th dissonance
> represented by the digit 9. Similarily you'll often see the digit 3
> (normally silently implied) following the digit 4 to signify the
> resolution of the suspended fourth.

That's right. Figured bass might look like harmony, but it's actually
a way of representing the voice leading texture (contrapuntal/linear
hearing, rather than vertical). One figured bass refinement that it
would be important to have in lily is the --- which follows a figure.
I like the suggestion earlier that something along the lines of chord
notation could be used with figured bass, perhaps something similar to
ties or slurs could be used to typeset these bars.

One problem here is that the slur/tie stuff in lily doesn't work yet
between notes, and the other problem is that one often has figures of
different durations.

Well, all this is easy enough to talk about, perhaps not so easy to
code for our overburdened lily developers...


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