>>>>> "Heath" == Heath Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Heath> Hi Alexandru,

    Heath> I was wondering if you've noticed a problem with recording
    Heath> transactions from the register window?  From a clean copy
    Heath> of gnucash, recording seems to work fine, but after I apply
    Heath> your latest patch, it doesn't seem to work.

    Heath> It's very confusing, too.  At least for me, totals in the
    Heath> main window get updated, but the new transactions are never
    Heath> shown in the register window, even after I save, quit and
    Heath> restart gnucash.  I've browsed through the code in
    Heath> window-register.c, and noticed you didn't changed the
    Heath> recordCB function, so I really have no idea what's
    Heath> happening.  It's possible my sources are corrupted somehow,
    Heath> since I'm trying to keep synched up with main repository,
    Heath> with your patches, and with my work, so this may be
    Heath> something I've changed.  Maybe I should try checking out a
    Heath> new copy of gnucash.

    Heath> Anyway, would you let me know if you see the same problem?
    Heath> Maybe we can track this down.

Well, I tried to record a few transactions and it worked for me. But I
can't be 100% sure, since I have not tested this feature
explicitedly. As you noticed, I have not touched the recordCB
code... I will make some tests.

    Heath> Have you made any more progress on the little calendars?  I
    Heath> think they look nice, and I'm looking forward to seeing how
    Heath> they turn out.  By the way, is there a way to localize the
    Heath> date that you insert into the entries?  When I first looked
    Heath> at your stuff, the date said something like 01/08/99.  To
    Heath> an American user, that means January 8, 1999, but to you
    Heath> and most of the world I guess it means August 1, 1999.  It
    Heath> looks like the date functions in glib can take care of
    Heath> this, maybe there's something there you can use.

I've started hacking the calendar "widgets". So far, I managed to
change the cursor, and got stuck with the "grab pointer" thing. The
more I look in the gtk sources the more I think I should write a
widget for it :). I have not tried to position the window yet. I plan
to make the window positioning code work, and than I will submit a new
patch, so you can take a look at it.

The date showing needs internationalization, indeed. Not only the date
format, but the day that starts the week should also be
internationalized. In some parts of the world the week starts on
Sunday, but in Romania it starts on Monday. I programed the code by
the Romanian rules, where 01/08/99 means 1 August 1999.

Someone on the gnucash list said he is working on the i18n part. I
thought of leting him solve the problem, or at least guide me on how
to do it, until than, we can leave it that way. There are other more
important things, IMHO,

Best Regards,

    Heath> Best Regards, Heath Martin

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