>>>>> On 27 Feb 2000 14:52:54 -0600, Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> said:

rlb> As a more radical alternative, we could switch to using a
rlb> directory per account group rather than a file, and it could
rlb> contain whatever files we need in order to carry all the right
rlb> state around when the account group is copied, moved, etc:

rlb> my-finances.gnc/data
rlb> my-finances.gnc/state.user1
rlb> my-finances.gnc/state.user2
rlb> my-finances.gnc/lock
rlb> my-finances.gnc/pending-transactions

rlb> etc.  This would allow us a substantial amount of flexibility now
rlb> and in the future, but it might be kind of strange to most
rlb> people.  ISTR that NeXT did something like this instead of
rlb> Apple's resource/data fork hack.

would it be wise to talk to the ex-apple guys to see what they have in 
mind for their "world saving linux interface"?

>> We could save the state in the user's config.auto under a specific
>> file name.

rlb> True, but then you have the problem that stale info will be
rlb> carried around forever (say when account-group files are deleted
rlb> from the filesystem), and with this approach copying your files
rlb> won't preserve the settings.  I.e. if you do a "cp mydata.gnc
rlb> my-new-data.gnc" and then work on my-new-data.gnc, you won't see
rlb> any of your old settings.  We could get this right if we added a
rlb> per account group, guaranteed unique ID (like the one used for
rlb> news/mail articles), for some definition of "right".

good point.  but people shouldn't do a "cp mydata.gnc
my-new-data.gnc", they should click on the "clone account" button,
right?  ;-)


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