> Hendrik Boom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > However, transactions which in Quicken had been reconciled in only
> > one account show up as reconciled in both accounts.  This is wrong,
> > but I can probably track then down by hand and hand-edit them.
> That's definitely a bug... I wasn't thinking straight when I added
> the reconcile handling.  

It looks as if tracking them down and hand-editing won't be very useful --
as described below, reconciliation status does not appear to be conserved
during save-restore.

Just to be clear, I'm running version 1.3.3, downloaded
as gnucash-1.3.3.tar.gz and compiled under SuSE Linux.
No patches have been applied.

> You mentioned that Opening Balance transactions are still duplicated?
> Can you explain the situation before and after the import wrt 
> Opening Balance?  

Before the imports, there is *nothing* in the register.

After, there are two Opening Balance transactions:

7/31/1992    Opening Balance       chequing n  13,433.91            -17,475.43
7/31/1992    Opening Balance       chequing n            -13,433.91 -17,475.43

And here's an extrace from the .qif file:

PScotiabank Visa (prof)
POpening Balance
D8/ 2/92
PCash, Royal Bank

The opening balance, by the way, is *not* the first transaction in the account.
There is, however, another entry

D12/ 1/92
POpening Balance Adjustment

which I must have put in by hand for some reason some time.  But it's
probably not relevant, and show up properly, just  once, in ther register.

I'm also a little puzzled by the 'R' column.  Last  night I had both
reconciled and nonreconciled entries.  After saving last night and
reloading this morning, they have all turned into "n"'s.  (Including
the incorrect 'r' entries I mentioned in my previous letter.  Also,
jump no longer works to get to the other end of transfers.  The UI accepts
the menu item, the menu disappears, and then nothing noticable happens.
It looks as if something has gone wrong during save-restore.

> I'm actually treating an Opening Balance transaction as a real
> transaction from an Equity account (by default) into the target.  Some
> programs uses the OB as just a trick to get an account name in the
> file, and it's a transfer from the account to itself.  Literally
> interpreting this results in a zero opening balance.

My opening balance entry is there to establish an opening balance.
'Jump" gets me nowhere from either 'Opening Balance' line.

However (surprise), from 'Opening Balance Adjustment', 'Jump'
*does* get me to the account for the 'adjustment' category.
I tried a few other transactions.  It looks as if jump works
to and from  accounts created from Quicken categories, but not
to accounts created from Quicken accounts. This behaviour is
different from that before the save/restore.

> Do banks put Opening Balance transactions in incremental downloads
> just to identify the account?  If so, I'll end up putting multiple
> real transfers of money into the account where they shouldn't be.

I don't know about banks.  The .qif files I am dealint with were saved
by an old DOS version of Quicken on December 31, 1999, just before Y2K.

> b.g.

-- hendrik.

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