Kevin Finn writes:
 >      I can take a stab at it - I'm interested in picking up more Gtk+.  Does it
 > make more sense for each option to provide access functions that other options
 > can use to enable/disable it, or perhaps just have those other options
 > disable the affected option "by name" ("Section" + "Option name", etc.)?
 > Access functions would be better encapsulation, but on the other hand it
 > would be a lot of overhead to provide that ability for every prefs option that
 > exists, since enabling/disabling won't be needed for 95% of the prefs.  I'm
 > thinking of something like:
 > gnc_set_option_selectable( "General",
 >                                         "Auto Decimal Point Range",
 >                                         GNC_F );
 > in the spirit of gnc_lookup_boolean_option.  What really gets changed is the
 > "sensitive" property of the widget that is connected to "Automatic Decimal
 > Point".

I think disabling by name would be sufficient - it is consistent with
the rest of the options interface.

Which brings me to another point - if we make options mutable, should
it be an error if we try to read a muted  option's value?  If an
option is disabled, the option's value is not relevant to
the current state of gnucash, and code should not be trying to read
that value.  I think, therefore, that it should be an error and
signalled as such.

Please don't take my comments as definitive, though - Dave Peticolas
wrote most of the options code, and he may have other ideas.

Robert Merkel                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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