On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 18:19:58 +0100, Geert Janssens wrote:

> Op vrijdag 30 december 2011 09:06:58 schreef u:
>> Swig/Guile: It looks to me like we have a much broader problem: Swig's
>> Guile support is not maintained. For the short term we can try applying
>> the patch from the Swig bug report and see if that gets us Guile 2.0
>> support, but in the longer run it looks like we need to either switch
>> back to GWrap or replace Guile with something that's better supported.
> Yes, this is a bad problem.

This is probably a more drastic change than guile 2.0, but:

There's another implementation of Scheme available that actually compiles 
Scheme to C or C++ -- Gambit-C.  You can actually embed C++ code within 
the C code, even #include stuff.  There's also an interpreter, but the 
interpreter doesn't have embedded C/C++ code, though it can call 
previously compiled code that does.  The Debian package is called gambc.
I have no idea whether this would be easier to use and maintain than 
using guile.

-- hendrik

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