On Sat, 31 Dec 2011 18:17:13 -0500
"Derek Atkins" <de...@ihtfp.com> wrote:

> Is it really worth our time to find another scheme implementation and
> swap everything over to it?  I would think that it would be better to
> write a report infrastructure in a language that would seem more
> "popular" (python), build in the infrastructure, and then send out a
> call for report writers to convert the existing scheme reports over
> to the new language.


Very well put together. ;)

btw, wishing happy & prosperous New Year to everybody to make GC even
better in 2012!


Bewildered by the modes of material nature, the ignorant fully 
engage themselves in material activities and become attached. But 
the wise should not unsettle them, although these duties are inferior 
due to the performers' lack of knowledge.

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