I'm sorry I didn't mention this more clearly. The documentation is not updated yet. So the information in the README file is still for the old build process.

This is how I think you should proceed (I'm assuming you stick with the default path names):

- clear every trace of the previous gnucash build environment from your system, including mingw and msys.

- download this file: https://raw.github.com/gjanssens/gnucash/mingw-rebasing/packaging/win32/bootstrap_win_dev.vbs

This comes from my git repository, but you don't need to have git installed on your system just yet. The top of the file gives a bit more information on what it will do (install minimal mingw, msys, git and clone the gnucash repository).

- *intermediate step* edit the file and change the repos url in line 44 to:

REPOS_URL = "git://github.com:gjanssens/gnucash.git"

This is only necessary because my work is not in the default gnucash repository yet.

- save the file

- double-click to execute the file. It will open a console window in which you can follow its progress. Wait until it finishes.

- at this point, you should have a new directory c:\soft with at least directories mingw and gnucash.git. Perhaps also a git-1.7.10 directory if git was not yet installed on your system (or maybe even in that case).

- *intermediate steps* (no longer necessary when my work is integrated in the main gnucash git repository)

* open a git bash window on the newly downloaded repository

you can do this via a windows explorer and then right-click

on the directory of the repository

* track and checkout my mingw branch

git branch -t mingw origin/mingw-rebasing

git checkout mingw

- now open an msys console. The bootstrap script currently doesn't create a softlink on the desktop yet, so you will have to navigate to

c:\soft\mingw\msys\1.0\ and double-click msys.bat in there.

- within that console, start the gnucash build:

* cd /c/soft/gnucash.git/packaging/win32

* ./install.sh

With the current state of the branch this should work until the gnucash build step. There I run into no-undefined warnings I haven't had time to figure out yet.

Can you try these steps and let me know how it goes ? By the way I'm open to patches to either the build, the README file or other improvements on this subject :)


Thanks Geert.
I've tried as you suggested. There's one typo above I think
REPOS_URL = "git://github.com:gjanssens/gnucash.git"
didn't work for me, but git://github.com/gjanssens/gnucash.git

The everything seems to go fine until I get:
###  isocodes
--2013-12-23 19:48:02-- http://pkg-isocodes.alioth.debian.org/downloads/iso-cod
Resolving pkg-isocodes.alioth.debian.org...
Connecting to pkg-isocodes.alioth.debian.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2013-12-23 19:48:03 ERROR 404: Not Found.
I discovered that the versiou available on the website is now 3.49 and an .xz file. So I updated custom.sh


 and edited functions.sh to include at line 92:
            tar -xJpf $LAST_FILE -C $_EXTRACT_UDIR
            _PACK_DIR=$(tar -Jtf $LAST_FILE 2>/dev/null | head -1)

and carried on....
Next it refused to install html help because a newer version was already on the machine..... but that didn't sound too serious.
So it carried on until
extracting libdbi-0.8.4.tar.gz ... done
Hunk #2 FAILED at 154
1 out of 4 hunks FAILED....

Will look further later.

So I assume something's moved....
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