On 24/12/2013 18:25, Gary Bilkus wrote:

> So it carried on until

> extracting libdbi-0.8.4.tar.gz ... done

> ....

> Hunk #2 FAILED at 154

> 1 out of 4 hunks FAILED....


> Will look further later.

Odd I could build. But then again I did so many rebuilds, perhaps I worked with a different patch than what I eventually committed.

Thanks for looking at this !


Another update.
- The problem with libdbi goes away if you change the patch command on line 792 and again on line 828 to include -l
patch -l -p1 <......
I assume there's some weird whitespace problem with either the patch of the current version of the code
- There seems to be a version issue with GWENHYFAR_VERSION
It builds OK but every time I restart it rebuilds. For some reason it's built a version which annouces itself as 4.7.0beta even though the file it downloads says it's 4.8.0beta If I build and change the version to 4.7.0beta it doesn't then try and rebuild each time. But seems a bit strange.

Finally, it tries to build gnucash itself.
The first sign of a problem is that it says:
please add the files codeset.m4 gettext.m4 glibc21.m4 iconf.m4 isc-posix.m4 lcmessage.m4 progtest.m4 from the /aclocal directory to your autoconf macro directory or directly to your aclocal.m4 file

And then
You shoudl add the contents of /c/soft/gnome/share/aclocal/intltool.m4 to aclocal.m4
Running autoconf

NOTE: Just run configure. Even if something told you to run aclocal, autommake.....

You must now run ./configure --enable-compile-warnings ....
./install-impl.sh: lin 1296: ../repos/configure: No such file or directory.

Not sure if this is where you are at this point too....
A bit further now.....
If I change the REL_REPOS_DIR to $GLOBAL_DIR\\gnucash.git
then it runs configure OK and bombs out on libxml2 tests
This is because the compiler doesn't recognise -no-undefined, so I guess I got to where you were. If you remove -no-undefined from configure.ac and try again, configure completes and the make starts. It then fails in libqof/qof/guid.c line 243 unknown conversion type character l in format [-Werror=format=]
and again in line 510 and 513....

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