I have a foot in both the physicist and accounting camps having spent most
of my working life as a professional physicist and then doing accountancy
after an enforced early retirement as a result of government cutbacks in

The clearest definition of split is really in the data structures in the
code. A lot of people have struggled with describing what a split is in the
documentation. The docs are also largely written by a team of users many of
whom are business owners or just manage their personal finances. There are a
few of us with a more formal background who also contribute at times. It is
hard to balance a more formal description that requires you to have done an
accountancy course before you can read it and something that makes sense to
someone without that background.

I agree that "Split" is a GnuCash specific term. I struggled with use of it
initially as it did not correspond with what I was familiar with in my
accounting text books which did not assign any name to the various
components of a transaction. I personally would have preferred something
like transaction component. 

To say however that it is unrelated to accountancy is however unwarranted.
In accountancy to satisfy the accounting equation, any transaction must
involve debits and credits to two or more accounts where the total sum of
the debits and credits for a transaction is zero. GnuCash uses the term
"split" to describe those individual components of a transaction. This is
outlined in the Tutorial and Concepts Guide. As a name for the internal data
structre "TransactionComponent" is probably a bit long winded back in the
days when auto completeion was not very common in IDE's so the developers
named it internally as a Split. It is also used within the documentation to
refer to the representations of the information contained in the Split data
structures within the registers as individual lines, which is most likely a
carry over from early discussions between users and the developers. 

A formal minimal definition of a split would likely consist of an account to
be debited or credited, an amount of the debit or credit and whether that
amount is being debited or credited to the account. GnuCash and its
documentation is not however an accountancy or mathematical textbook, it is
a compromise which has to span the knowledge domains of the developers,
accountants and users. 

If you feel the documentation is unclear and you feel you are able to make
it clearer by all means join the documentation team but you will find an
strongly embedded accpetance of split by the team and the user community - a
lot of inertia to overcome. Other programs equally use arcane terms, for
example, Quicken's use of "Categories" to describe expense accounts is one
that offends my own sensibilities

GnuCash is not an abstract mathematical construct. Neither is accountancy.
Accountancy is a system for rtecording transactional events in a world of
commerce. It has a few embedded, fairly simple, mathematical concepts, but
if you were able to describe it in formal mathematical terms it would more
than likely be totally unintelligible to the majority of practising
accountants and those who need to use it. Luca Pacciola who first recorded
the procedures in a mathematical text was a mathematician (Leonardo da
Vinci's mathematics tutor) as well as being the son of a Venetian trader
engaged in commerce with Arabian North Africa and learned the principles of
accounting he espoused from those traders.

Some things are simnply a matter of context, As a computer programmer when
dealing with binary digital information my brain has no problem recognising
k or kilo as 1024. When the context is not binary digital and I am a
physicist using SI units, then it is 1000. True this is a problem for those
who don't understand the difference between binary digital representations
and decimal representations of numbers and do not have the context within
which to evaluate it and also use an abbreviation without making absolutely
clear its context. A binary Roman would no doubt have severly punished a
decimal Arab who shortchanged him by 24 pieces of silver when the agreed
price was 1 kilo of silver pieces. Or was he expecting kilograms perhaps??

If you go back far enough in the GnuCash forum archives, you will find many
discussions about splits, what they are and mean and what they are not, some
informed, some uninformed. One could debate what a split is ad infinitum and
an appropriate use of terminology, but I really need to spend time
investigating how the importer actually works and where it doesn't do what
we would like it to do. The latter is subject to extreme scope creep at

David Cousens

David Cousens
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