On 1 Nov 2023, at 14:47, Bruce McCoy via gnucash-user 
<gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> <SNIP>

> On Tue, Oct 31 at 6:40 AM Michael Hendry wrote: 
>     >I have some accounts in TAS Books which 
>     >I created and maintained on Windows XP 
> Me too. I’ve used version 1e. What about you?
>     >I’ve had to maintain a copy of Windows XP Pro
> Had I done that, your life would be simpler.
>     >legacy files inherited from my late father
> I’m sorry for his demise. I am sure you miss him. I do miss both my parents. 
> I hope your dad was as nice as mine. 
>     >I haven’t been able to find TAS.ZIP 
>     >in your Dropbox folders. 
> Michael, that's because I did not send you the links. Here they are:
> BKS.EDT.zip
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uijxiym22r707k4cgfais/TAS.zip.txt?rlkey=qs6z1j7zrz5de2y8pjbyghppi&dl=0
> BKS.EDT.zip.txt
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qpihxsi392bk47wi86hsb/TAS.zip?rlkey=n60xy601m9r2yvxshi20h9l2m&dl=0
> TAS.zip
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kg3yw34naznmk9myvbhuk/BKS.EDT.zip.txt?rlkey=2q9zbkg9ko8g16euzgm6you6y&dl=0
> TAS.zip.txt
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e8ohz1g2qnfa55qq4e0i7/BKS.EDT.zip?rlkey=68tlmfi88day9ph7bshncfnes&dl=0

Ah - this is an entirely different TAS.

Sorry to have wasted your time.

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