Gregory John Casamento schrieb:
> My sincerest apologies on the recent delay of the release.   I have been 
> working on correcting a few bugs prior to the release and other events have 
> delayed me as well.
> The release should be made in either Monday or Tuesday.
> Thanks for your patience,

Oops, are you talking about a release of gui trunk or are you planing a
bug fix release for gui?
The late case should be alright, but there might be a problem, if you
are going to push out the current trunk of gui as a release. I made some
changes that will break backward compatibility and am about to make a
lot more of such changes. As you know I did delay these changes for some
time to give you time for a release, but as that time did expire and
Richard explained, that I should not wait any longer (at least this was
how I understood his mail), I started with these changes.

So, if you are planing a gui release, please do some checking of my
changes first (NSControl!!!) and perhaps wait for another week to give
me the chance to finish off the changes to NSButtonCell as well. With
that in place we will have a system that is hopefully a bit more stable
than the current state.

Sorry for the misunderstanding

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