On 23 Jan 2007, at 10:56, Matt Rice wrote:

so it would be good if we could get
these added now, (even if the code to use them is omitted from the release due to instability or whatever) :D
Not to mention the move of NSAffineTransform out of gui and in to base to match Apple ... which means that whenever we make a new unstable release of gui we also need to make one of base. Wouldn't it be good to backport bugfixes and make a stable release of gui (and back) without all the incompatible changes asap though?

*shrug* pretty much indifferent on this.
It be nice if this were done proactively as bugfixes were introduced though

I agree with that, but the fact is that we haven't done that in the past, so if we are going to start we need a policy decision that bugfixes are to be backported from trunk to the stable branch immediately, and we need the developers working on svn to buy in to the idea and actually do it. In an ideal world we would get new developers (who aren't confident to leap in and do bigger jobs) to do the backporting, but if we don't have any such volunteers we would need to be prepared to do it ourselves.

The advantage of immediately backporting bugfixes (apart from making the process of doing a new bugfix release a whole lot easier because you don't have to try to backport a whole lot of changes in one go) is that it would make it worthwhile to set up an automated snapshot of the stable branch so that people could easily download something with latest bugfixes in it.

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