
On Tue, Jan 23, 2007 at 11:02:21AM +0000, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
> I agree with that, but the fact is that we haven't done that in the  
> past, so if we are going to start we need a policy decision that  
> bugfixes are to be backported from trunk to the stable branch [...]

This sounds like a very good idea to me, especially the idea of
publishing daily snapshots.

Speaking of GNUstep bugfix releases, what happened to the release of
version 1.13.1, that fixes the buffer overflow issue I reported (
https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?18366)? I've seen that the stable branch
is tagged 1.13.1 now, but there's still no release made public, neither
on the web page nor on the ftp. I know that your time is limited and
this is all done on a volunteer basis, but this is certainly not a good
sign for a framwork which wants to be used in professional applications.

Don't get me wrong, I don't blame anyone on this. I'm happy that the
patch came so quick, but it's sad that the bugfix release did somehow
not come out yet, as the task of doing it should be easy compared to
doing a bugfix.


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