On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Hubert Chathi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I'm looking at applying for Google's SOC this year.  I'm interested in
>  looking at GNU/Linux desktop integration issues.  So I'd like to look
>  at:
>  - the window focusing issues, and making GNUstep work well in all window
>   managers

I think this is a good idea, though I am wondering the scope of your
intent, e.g. to make gnustep usable with sloppy focus, or to fix
issues with click-to-focus, or both

i think these are separate issues so maybe you could elaborate a bit.

>  - looking at which freedesktop.org standards it would make sense for
>   GNUstep to implement
>  - looking at providing bindings/interfaces for some freedesktop.org
>   software (e.g. dbus is mentioned on the wiki)
>  - although not exactly desktop-integration work, I could also look at
>   bitmap image reading/writing support
>  Does this sound like a worthwhile project?  What scope would be
>  reasonable for GSOC?  Are there other things I should be looking at?

as far as other things

one more idea is finishing up the update to the latest xdnd
specification, and filling in the missing conversions so we can drag
and drop between gnustep and X apps


Fred can probably elaborate more on what is done and needs to be done
with this though.

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