On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 2:30 AM, Hubert Chathi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Mar 2008 12:57:32 -0800, "Matt Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>  > On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Hubert Chathi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >> Hi all,
>  >>
>  >> I'm looking at applying for Google's SOC this year.  I'm interested
>  >> in looking at GNU/Linux desktop integration issues.  So I'd like to
>  >> look at: - the window focusing issues, and making GNUstep work well
>  >> in all window managers
>  > I think this is a good idea, though I am wondering the scope of your
>  > intent, e.g. to make gnustep usable with sloppy focus, or to fix
>  > issues with click-to-focus, or both
>  > i think these are separate issues so maybe you could elaborate a bit.
>  I'm not sure exactly what the issues are, or how much work is involved
>  in solving them.  I just saw the issue listed on the wiki, and I
>  remember reading some discussion about it on the bugs mailing list.

  I personally think it is easier to have a window manager
  which can work well on both GNUstep and GNOME/KDE, or specifically, EWMH.
  Overall, it is hard to map GNUStep window hints into EWMH.
  For example, GNUstep requires arbitrary window level while EWMH doesn't.
  GNUstep may work under EWMH, but it will not work perfectly.
  I believe the reason people ask for GNUstep to work with GNOME/KDE
  is that WindowMaker does not work well for GNOME/KDE.
  If there is a window manager which can work on both GNUstep and GNOME/KDE,
  this problem can be solved.


>  --
>  Hubert Chathi - Email/Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
>  PGP/GnuPG key: 1024D/124B61FA   (Key available at wwwkeys.pgp.net)
>  Fingerprint: 96C5 012F 5F74 A5F7 1FF7  5291 AF29 C719 124B 61FA
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