Here is the email I sent...


We're having some issues after the move to LGPLv3.  Specifically there are some 
applications which are GPLv2 only.    

Wouldit be possible to get an exception for GNUstep which would allow this. 
Alternatively, would it be possible for GNUstep to be considered a"System 
Library" so that the exception for that applies.    I amstarting to wonder to 
myself if we didn't move too hastily when movingGNUstep to GPL v3 of the 

Currently this is being discussed at length on the GNUstep-discusslist which is 
hosted by the FSF.   Please make any comments you feelrelevant there if you can.

I would like to discuss exceptionsthat we can consider or any other possible 
solutions.   My cell phoneis (240)274-9630 and my home phone is (301)362-9640.

We might consider the following, if possible:
 /* As a special exception, if you link this library with files compiled with
   GCC to produce an executable, this does not cause the resulting executable
   to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
   however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
   covered by the GNU General Public License.  */

This was taken from libobjc.  Please let me know.

Later, GJC
Gregory Casamento -- Principal Consultant - OLC, Inc 
# GNUstep Chief Maintainer

----- Original Message ----
From: Gregory John Casamento <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Hubert Chathi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 7:14:57 PM
Subject: Re: GPLv2 licensing issues


I've written Brett Smith at the FSF to ask about exceptions or any possible 
solutions to the issues we're discussing.  I will post relevant points when he 
replies to my email.

Thanks, GJC
Gregory Casamento -- Principal Consultant - OLC, Inc 
# GNUstep Chief Maintainer

----- Original Message ----
From: Hubert Chathi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 6:42:15 PM
Subject: Re: GPLv2 licensing issues

On Fri, 11 Apr 2008 09:08:52 +0000 (UTC), Yavor Doganov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Thanks for raising the issue, and the summary.  В Thu, 10 Apr 2008
> 13:51:08 -0400, Hubert Chathi написа:

>> or

> I am not sure that such an exception is sufficient to eliminate the
> incompatibility problem -- in fact, I fear that it may not have a
> legal effect.  Riccardo, have you contacted [EMAIL PROTECTED] about
> this?

What problems do you see with it?

The text is more-or-less copied from the
(minus explanatory preamble and postamble).

Hubert Chathi - Email/Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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