I just updated the GNUstep gui localization files for English and
German. While doing so I noticed a few issues with our current
localization handling. One was in base, where the switch to output
missing localization values would always write out "nil", not very
helpful while looking for the missing keys.
The other problem was harder. In gui we override the _() and
NSLocalizedString macros to use the gui bundle to resolve the
localization. This is needed and great, but needs the include of
GSGuiPrivate.h in the gui source file to work and this was missing for a
lot of your files where localization had only been added recently.

We also have a process issue here. All the localization files were last
updated 2006 and for many important languages we don't even have
localizations. It would be great, if all the non-English native speakers
could adopt there own language and create translations for it.
Creating and updating these files is really easy. All I had to do was:

cd gui/Resources
make_strings -L German ../Source/*.m

Before every release of gui we should update these files and add the
missing new translations.


PS: I find the way you have to write the non-ASCII characters a bit
clumsy, but I didn't want to switch to UTF-8.

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