On May 15, 2009, at 10:49 AM, Wolfgang Lux wrote:

In order to keep Riccardo happy you might introduce a new user default to switch between live and non-live resize. However, given that the changes
appear quite substantial upon a superficial look, I don't know whether
this is feasible.

I would concur with Wolfgang that, if this behavior is optional, it would best be controlled by a user default rather than by some dynamic test (timing of operations, etc.) Different people have different thresholds of tolerance for "slow" behavior; an automatic test is unlikely to satisfy as many people as a simple choice might.

The fastest "PC" I have in service right now is a 200MHz PIII. It is "fast enough" for the few things I use it for, and I don't like generic PC hardware enough to justify the effort or time needed to upgrade it yet. I use my MacBook or Sun workstation for most things. If it were possible to turn this feature off, I would turn it off on both the PC and the Sun (which is a dual-processor Sparc, but only 450MHz, and enormously slower in X than I am comfortable with since I installed Solaris 10 on it).


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