On 28 Jun 2009, at 19:14, Stefan Bidigaray wrote:

As promised, here's the latest code. Feel free to poke as many holes in it as possible. I'm going to use this, almost completely unchanged, for NSSound.m. The bundle/plug-in stuff will go in 100% unchanged.

Sorry that I just haven't found time to look at this.

But ... going back to the issue of avoiding changes to ivars breaking ABI in future releases ... the approach I currently favor is having a *single* ivar in the public class. This is a private id variable referring to an instance of a private class which is used to hold the real ivars.

So the implementation file contains this private class (whose ivars are all declared public so that any code in the implementation file can access them freely), and the -init and -dealloc methods of the public class create/destroy an instance of the private class. Look at the code for NSOperation.m in the current svn trunk version of the base library for the simplest example around.

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