I'm hoping to start testing this weekend, so I'd like to get some input on
some of the things that were brought up last week!  I already know the sink
and source objects work correctly (tested them last weekend), and that
design is finalized (baring any thing I find I might have to add or remove
this weekend).  I also don't have the bundle loading code so far because I
want to keep it as simple as I can now to make sure it all works before
adding that stuff.

Quickly scanning through the e-mails, this is what was brought up last week:

* Current design - I explained what I was trying to do (not sure if it was
understood), so I hope this is no longer a problem.
* IVars - what am supposed to be doing here?  I used that _private array,
and Richard mentioned the structure.  Should I be doing something different?

I'll start working on the bundle loading code as soon as I know what I
currently have works as expected.

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