
Luboš Doležel wrote:
> Hi,
> on Linux & related systems, the correct way is to use
> ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs
> I couldn't find more information on this, but I think I've heard about
> desktop environments (in the future) using only English folder names
> physically, but doing some trickery to display localized names.
"localizing on display" is another approach of course, but I think it is
wrong, I like a physical mapping of folders. Especially for those
working in console, it becomes confusing.

Perhaps the first thing to verify is if NSXXXXDirectory returns a
localized name on Mac. The documentation is not very clear. It says for

Document directory.
Available in OS X v10.2 and later.

Not specifying anything!

However for the newer Music it says:

Location of user's Music directory (~/Music)

Implying somehow that it is always "Music". Perhaps the finder uses the
"display localized" approach nowadays?
Somebody with non-english macs may perhaps shed some light.


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