Riccardo Mottola wrote:

> Wolfgang Lux wrote:
>> I haven't tested this, but I would be very much surprised if these functions 
>> return a localized name because you should be able to use these names for 
>> referring to physical folders on disk and OS X does localization on display.
> Ok, that is information. If it does localization on display, those
> methods will be constants.
> I don't think it is the best solution for GNUstep. I wonder what
> OpenStep did. But back then there were almost no special folders and
> usually "Desktop" doesn't get translated for example.

AFAIR, no localization took place in OpenStep.

Anyway, regarding localization of folder names you should follow Luboš's advice 
and use the contents of ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs if it exists. You may 
eventually find more information on this file at
http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-user-dirs. If 
~/.config/user-dirs.dirs does not exist, stick to the current names.


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