
On 03/13/13 22:41, Fred Kiefer wrote:

More information may be found on this page:
I think the matter is complicated.

The Mac approach is localize on Display and this is reflected in the NS* constants. Localizing that is easy: you just need to localize the display and that can be done with our strings. The current names are 99% of those of apple except "Pictures" which I choose to name "Images" because I happen to like that better.

The other problem instead is the existing directory structure which may be documented (or not) bu the xdg file from freedesktop, which means also looking up a file. Those will be localized already and even not may have different names than what NSWorkspace expects.

A possible solution would be to initialize/overriride the constants with the values of freedesktop. This would have the benefit that if a music player opens NSMusicDirectory, it will open the one really present on the system, even if it is called "My Music" or "Sounds" or whatever. I don't know how this could be handled well and efficiently.

This would be incompatible with localization on display, since the "key" would be different. I might up ending trying to find the localization of "My Music" instead of "Music".

Now I remember well why I just postponed this issue two years ago :)


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