
Fred Kiefer wrote:
> You may have to set these separately. I was hoping there was a way to specify 
> and array here, but did not check. So the easiest was is
> Ink —GNU-Debug=Dflt —GNU-Debug=XGTrace —GNU-Debug=Frame

Oh that finally helps, it is actually --GNU-debug=xxx (two dashes)

I get this:

root@hobbit:~# Ink --GNU-Debug=Dflt --GNU-Debug=XGTrace --GNU-Debug=Frame
2009-12-28 22:54:25.191 Ink[312:312] WindowMaker hack: Preparing app
icon window
2009-12-28 22:54:25.297 Ink[312:312] DPSwindow: {x = 0; y = 0; width =
0; height = 0} 2
2009-12-28 22:54:25.306 Ink[312:312] Draw mech 1 for screen 0
2009-12-28 22:54:25.310 Ink[312:312] O2X 0, 40, {x = 0; y = 0; width =
0; height = 0}, {x = 0; y = 480; width = 0; height = 0}
2009-12-28 22:54:25.315 Ink[312:312] X2H 0, 40, {x = 0; y = 480; width =
2; height = 2}, {x = 0; y = 480; width = 2; height = 2}
Xlib:  extension "SYNC" missing on display ":0.0".
2009-12-28 22:54:26.003 Ink[312:312] Hint posn 1: 0, 480
2009-12-28 22:54:26.005 Ink[312:312] Hint size 1: 2, 2
*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (out): 0x006415f0 ***

The values look fine for me.

I started putting in some logs, then more logs and even more logs :-O

I am sure the issue is happening in here:
          if (!didCreatePixmaps)
              [self _createAppIconPixmaps];

I heavily log-traced _createAppIconPixmaps too

The crash precisly happens with the line:
  RDestroyXImage(rcontext, rxImage);

So for some the new code here makes a double-free. I wonder if it is a
good idea at all to use a WINGs function here at all when before we did not.
I commented the Destroy out and things do work now! But I don't think
this is the correct solution.

I wanted to look up some WINGs documentation and check, but appears it
disappeared into net oblivion?


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