
> On Oct 17, 2020, at 00:27, Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Riccardo,
>> I noticed we recently have a strange behaviour, which is slightly
>> different from setup (= installation on different computers) to setup I have
>> The first time I start a GNUstep application with windowmaker (I mean
>> the first GNUstep app started ever after X11 start essentially) it has a
>> bad icon.
>> - on some setup it has a "generic" icon by windowmaker
>> - on other setups it has a black looking icon, as only the "mask" of the
>> icon, the contours are drawn

Riccardo, could you please provide more info on your specific setups?
Do you have “UseWindowMakerIcons” set to “NO” in NSGlobalDomain?

>> A restart of the app and then starting any other app, fixes that.
>> This was not happening before.
> Actually, this has been happening before, but it was fixed about five years 
> ago in this commit:
> https://github.com/gnustep/libs-back/commit/1e1185abb364f2ffcb5f06f62c1241d419b8b697#diff-c3c9abc7461037f8abf3f590d909cff84c39bc7817b79d7dfd379b38a3756385
>> I think it is related to at least this
>> commit - merge:
>> https://github.com/mozilla/newtab-dev/raw/6be44da368fb869a3d3e1975f515857352a7d9fc/browser/modules/ProcessHangMonitor.jsm
> I assume you meant this commit instead
> https://github.com/gnustep/libs-back/commit/31b7c4ed2f8efa0127605511aaf4eafef6a3d1c8
> And, yes, your suspicion is correct because it exactly comments out the 
> earlier fix.

As stated in description to this commit it fixes flickering of appicon at 
application start. Quote: “This fix based on the fact that root application 
window (ROOT) is mapped in `-orderwindow:::` and this is the event of 
application recognition by WindowMaker because it is a first application window 
that is mapped.”. That "root application window" is called “group leader” and 
saved in every application window structure (WWindow) member `main_window` 
inside WM. It holds all required properties to be detected by WM correctly.

The earlier fix probably masks other unknown problem. My WindowMaker 0.95.7 
default configuration tests work like a charm.
Wolfgang, do you observe the same behaviour as Riccardo? I yes, could you 
please share your setup?

> Wolfgang


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