Hi Greg thank you for your help.

I don't have the ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/CachedPixmaps folder because I 
don't use WindowMaker but the one you see in the pic I attached in the previous 
email is the window manager I'm coding, uroswm.
In the while I made other tests; i try to put ll the tests toghether i made 
until now (with a summary of the first 2):
Test case 1:
1) start uroswm for the first time;
2)start systemPreferences for the first time -> Icon window not working as 
expected, just a gray square is shown.
3) Close SystemPreferences app
4) Start again SystemPreference -> now the icon window is shown as expected

Test case 2:
1) start uroswm for the first time;
2) Start another app like Gorm or ProkectCenter for the first time-> all is 
working as expected the icon window too

Test case 3 (the new one):
1) start uroswm for the first time;
2) Start another app like Gorm or ProkectCenter -> all is working as expected 
the icon window too
3) start SystemPreferences for the first time -> all is working as expected the 
icon window too

So in the last test case I discovered that if we run uroswm for the first time 
and some other app that are not SystemPreferences, for the first time, fixes 
the problem, then running SystemPreferences indeed has the icon working 
Also, uroswm has the support for _NET_WM_ICON and it is able to get the 
SystemPreferences' icon image from the icon window (the 64 x 64 window on the 
left-bottom corner), for test I also save it in /tmp/Icon.png using cairo and 
it works correctly (uroswm caches the icons for the app window in an array).
I was thinking to force the icon to be drawn from uroswm, but for some reason 
cairo saves to /tmp/Icon.png but won't paint the icon to the 64x64 window, and 
for now i don't know the reason.. I already made the code to do this job, 
because when clicking on the uroswm's miniaturize button, it creates an image ( 
a screenshot of the client window without the decorations) scales it and paints 
in the miniaturized window the screenshot, that is just the preview of the 
content of the window, having the same behavior that osx has when you 
miniaturize the window; all this is made using cairo and works.
However the focus is on these 3 test cases; they are showing an hidden problem 
that could be mine (uroswm) or from SystemPreferences.
Actually, I'm pretty sur ethe problem is from uroswm, beause other window 
managers are working without any problems. Is just a bit hard discovering which 
could be the problem, especially when the other apps are just working.
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On ott 17 2020, at 1:11 pm, Gregory Casamento <greg.casame...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Alessandro,
> The SystemPreferences icon has always had an issue with WindowMaker. It's 
> just a normal tiff, but, for some reason, it shows up as color inverted when 
> docked in the WindowMaker dock, but normal when the application is started. 
> When you first start an application in GNUstep the icon gets written to 
> ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/CachedPixmaps when the application is launched. 
> I forget where precisely in the code this occurs.
> I believe this corruption might have something to do with your problem as the 
> second time it is invoked it reads the version of the icon that was cached in 
> the directory I indicated above.
> There are a number of possible solutions:
> 1) Fix the tiff so that WindowMaker doesn't have an issue
> 2) Fix WindowMaker (or GNUstep, in case the caching is happening in our 
> code... I am not sure it is)
> I have included a screenshot of what is happening on my system to illustrate 
> what I'm referring to. Please find it attached. I hope some of this 
> additional information helps.
> Yours, GC
> On Sat, Oct 17, 2020 at 4:32 AM Alessandro Sangiuliano <alex2...@hotmail.com 
> (mailto:alex2...@hotmail.com)> wrote:
> > This morning I had more time to do better test.
> >
> > I have to add that in my case is just SystemPreferences icon that is not 
> > showed at first start.
> >
> > With Gorm and ProjectCenter, the window is showed as expected at first run!
> >
> > Maybe is just a little bug relative to SystemPreferences in my case, or 
> > just some request that SystemPreferences is doing and I'm not handling.
> >
> > Alex.
> >
> > Da: Gnustep-dev <gnustep-dev-bounces+alex22_7=hotmail....@gnu.org 
> > (mailto:hotmail....@gnu.org)> per conto di Alessandro Sangiuliano 
> > <alex2...@hotmail.com (mailto:alex2...@hotmail.com)>
> > Inviato: sabato 17 ottobre 2020 04:59
> > A: undefined <gnustep-dev@gnu.org (mailto:gnustep-dev@gnu.org)>
> > Cc: undefined <gnustep-dev@gnu.org (mailto:gnustep-dev@gnu.org)>
> > Oggetto: R: windowmaker - application icon missing at first start
> >
> >
> > I wrote this email some days ago to Fred privately, because I was thinking 
> > that the problem was relative to my window manager that is young and ealyy 
> > stage, so i post here too bcause the problem is quite similar.
> >
> >
> > Hi Fred,
> > I write becaus ethe gnustep support in uroswm is almost completed, but 
> > there are few things to fix, actually in the miniwindow managment. Explain 
> > it with words would be a bit complex especially with my english, so I made 
> > a gif pic to share with you.
> > Here is the lin that will expire after one month:
> > https://ibb.co/3ND5Dhw
> > Now i explain the problem in steps amd you will noticed them in the gif:
> > 1) First time run uroswm
> > 2) First time a GNUstep App
> > 3) When the App is first time started the miniwindow on the left-bottom 
> > corner doesn't draw the icon, or better, it draws the icon but disappers 
> > quite soon. The icon just appears for some instants and then disappers.
> > 4) I close the App
> > 5) I run again the app
> > 6) At this point, the App is started for the second time, ll works as 
> > expecetd and the miniwindow draws the icon ans show it as expected.
> >
> > Don't be scared by bad colors in the gif i just set low quality to the 
> > recorder.
> > Why at the first start of theapp the icon is not painted as we expects? 
> > Maybe at the first run GS is doing some particular requests or 
> > setting/asking for soe extended window manager hints?
> > Thank you,
> > Alex
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Da: Gnustep-dev <gnustep-dev-bounces+alex22_7=hotmail....@gnu.org 
> > (mailto:hotmail....@gnu.org)> per conto di Riccardo Mottola 
> > <riccardo.mott...@libero.it (mailto:riccardo.mott...@libero.it)>
> > Inviato: venerdì 16 ottobre 2020 11:40
> > A: gnustep-dev@gnu.org (mailto:gnustep-dev@gnu.org) <gnustep-dev@gnu.org 
> > (mailto:gnustep-dev@gnu.org)>
> > Oggetto: windowmaker - application icon missing at first start
> >
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > I noticed we recently have a strange behaviour, which is slightly
> > different from setup (= installation on different computers) to setup I have
> >
> > The first time I start a GNUstep application with windowmaker (I mean
> > the first GNUstep app started ever after X11 start essentially) it has a
> > bad icon.
> > - on some setup it has a "generic" icon by windowmaker
> > - on other setups it has a black looking icon, as only the "mask" of the
> > icon, the contours are drawn
> >
> > A restart of the app and then starting any other app, fixes that.
> >
> > This was not happening before. I think it is related to at least this
> > commit - merge:
> >
> > https://github.com/mozilla/newtab-dev/raw/6be44da368fb869a3d3e1975f515857352a7d9fc/browser/modules/ProcessHangMonitor.jsm
> > Can you reproduce? How is it for you?
> > Riccardo
> >
> --
> Gregory Casamento
> GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
> http://www.gnustep.org - http://heronsperch.blogspot.com
> https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=352392 - Become a Patron
> https://gf.me/u/x8m3sx - My GNUstep GoFundMe
> https://teespring.com/stores/gnustep - Store

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