The Portugal’s president, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, expressed some opinions  at 
an event with foreign journalists on Tuesday . ( In the month in which 50 years 
of democracy in Portugal - 25/04/2024) 
Hesaid António Costa, former prime-minister, son of a Goan, as someone 
reflective,the result of eastern ancestry, while Luís Montenegro, the new 
prime-minister,is “completely different”.

Thehead of state did not fail to analyze himself in this aspect. “I’m a 
hurriedWesterner,” he defined.

Thestatement about Montenegro came when he explained how he saw the change 
ofGovernment ahead of schedule. “He [Luís Montenegro] is a person who comes 
froma deep, urban-rural country, with rural behaviors. He is very 
curious,difficult to understand, precisely because of this. 

Marceloadded that he “would be happy” and accustomed to António Costa's 
governanceuntil 2026, but the dissolution of Parliament was necessary given 
hisresignation as prime minister and secretary-general of the Socialist 
In the interview with foreign journalists, the President of Portugal, Marcelo 
Rebelo de Sousa declared late on Tuesday that Portugal was responsible for 
crimes committed during transatlantic slavery and the colonial era, indicating 
a necessity for reparations.


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