Excerpts from the Free Online Scholarship (FOS) Newsletter
      October 5, 2001

* The federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has awarded
$3.5 million to 18 libraries to digitize some of their collections and put
them on the internet free of charge.

* ITPapers.com is a new archive of white papers in information
technology.  Users must register, but registration is free of
charge.  ITPapers offers free online access to 23,000+ white papers.

* The Resource Discovery Network (RDN) invites all its users to fill out a
web questionnaire.  It will remain online until late November or early
December.  All who participate will be entered in a drawing for Amazon gift
certificates.  http://www.rdn.ac.uk/evaluation/

* in the October issue of _Learned Publishing_, Joost Kircz argues
that an electronic scientific articles is not merely a print article in a
new medium.  We should rethink the nature and purpose of the scientific
publications in light of the opportunities offered by the new medium.  He
discusses 10 criteria for scientific publications (formulated by an
international working group in 2000) and argues that they leave much room
to create "new ways of expressing knowledge" in an electronic, interactive
medium.  Part 2 of his study will appear in the next issue.

* Also in the October issue of _Learned Publishing_, Edwin Shelock
criticizes the ALPSP and learned societies for failing to take advantage of
opportunities created by the internet for wide and inexpensive
dissemination of scholarship.  He asks why learned societies think more
like commercial publishers than their own members.  Shelock is past chair
of the ALPSP.

* In the October issue of _Cultivate Interactive_, Thibault Heuzé
summarizes the many projects of the EU's Community Research and Development
Information Service (CORDIS) for promoting access to online research.

* The September 20 _Economist_ describes the Stanford Archival Vault (SAV),
Stanford's new P2P network of digital repositories.

* In the August/September issue of SPARC's e-news, Ed Sponsler and Eric F.
Van de Velde review the eprints.org software for creating OAI-compliant
archives, based on the CalTech Library's eight month experience with
it.  The authors endorse the software and describe in good detail how to
implement and take full advantage of it.

* In the latest (2001 but undated) _Educause Quarterly_, Joseph Moxley
argues that universities should join the Networked Digital Library of
Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), which would provide free online access to
this large and useful body of literature.

* Summer School on the Digital Library 2001:  Electronic Publishing
Florence, October 7-12

* Frankfurt Book Fair, How To Implement DOIs
Frankfurt, October 10

* Frankfurt Book Fair, Financing Possibilities for Digital Content
Frankfurt, October 10

* IT in the Transformation of the Library
Milwaukee, October 11-14

* Collections & Access for the 21st Century Scholar:  A Forum to Explore
the Roles of the Research Library
Washington, D.C., October 19-20

* Intellectual Property Rights in the Knowledge-Based Economy
Washington, D.C., October 22

* International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2001
Tokyo, October 22-26

* e-Book Lessons:  From Life-Cycle to User Experiences
Waltham, Massachusetts, October 23

* Fourth Meeting of the [NAS] Committee on Intellectual Property Rights
(only parts are open to the public)
Washington, D.C., October 23-24

* Copyright Issues in the Electronic Age
Waltham, Massachusetts, October 29

* Paperless Publishing:  Peer Review, Production, and Publication
Washington, D.C., October 30

* The XML Revolution:  What Scholarly Publishers Need to know
Waltham, Massachusetts, November 1

* Information in a Networked World:  Harnessing the Flow
Washington D.C., November 2-8

* Content Summit 01
Zurich, November 7-9

* Internet Librarian 2001
Pasadena, November 6-8

* First Annual Meeting of the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium
Pisa, November 16-17

* Digital Media Revolution in the Americas
Pasadena, November 29 - December 1


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Peter Suber

Copyright (c) 2001, Peter Suber

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