Steve said the only way is using OAi-compliance by the author to
selfarchive his documents before and through refereeing.

The word only is too much of a load.

In Physics (and Mathematics) since a long time authors can selfarchive
their documents, without having to install any software or learn about
OAi. They are automatically included into the OAi scheme by the
OAi compliant service providers by using PhysDoc (or Math-Net) as gateways
who take care of their document being included.

How does it work:
1. author puts his document on his own server.
2. author fills webform
and adds or attaches the resulting (for him ununderstandable metadata
infested 'shadow file' to his document.
[for an example of a shadow file see my own documents, back to 1968, see or
all of]

3. The document is found by PhysDoc-OAi compliant service provider, see
The PhysDoc crew takes care to track all (for shure to come) changes of
the OAi compliance regulations in the future.

If the author does not want  metadata, then he agreed to the inferior
query results of PhysDocI

The posting first, refereeing then is not the problem in the e-age,
since it allows richer variety of vetting, quality filtering, peer
reviewing for some,
 but sufficiently for effective research search
engines, richer metadata and ref encoding, etc.


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