Excerpts from the Free Online Scholarship (FOS) Newsletter
      November 26, 2001

I'll be attending an FOS conference in Budapest next week sponsored by the
Open Society Institute.  As a result, the next issue of the newsletter will
appear after I return and catch up on my news-gathering.


* DP9 is an open source gateway service that allows general search engines,
like Google, to index OAI-compliant archives.  It stands between the
crawler and the archive, intercepts the crawler's requests, forwards them
to the archive, and translates the archive's output from XML into
HTML.  This allows OAI archives hidden in the deep internet to be indexed
by search engines that don't venture into the deep internet.  DP9 was
developed by Xiaoming Liu of the Old Dominion University DLib Group.

DP9 home page

Source code for downloading

* The Resource Discovery Network (RDN) has launched RDN-Include, which
allows higher education sites to put the RDN search engine on their
pages.  Sites may use the RDN search engine for a specific discipline or
the general RDN search engine.  Users see RDN's hit list of hand-picked
resources and the useful RDN annotations on each one.  The service is free
for UK education sites and may be licensed by others.

* _Best of Science_ is a new free online peer-reviewed science journal
covering nearly all scientific disciplines.  It recoups the costs of online
publication through fund-raising and author fees, which it reduces for
authors from developing countries.  This is welcome but standard
fare.  More remarkable is the pro-FOS statement of principles inspiring it,
issued jointly by the ICSU (International Council for Science) and UNESCO
(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

Best of Science

ICSU-UNESCO statement of principles on electronic publishing in science

* The Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity has released free, downloadable
software tools to create and query scientific data stored in its national
network of XML documents.

* The papers presented at the November 9-11 conference on the public domain
at Duke Law School are now online.  (PS:  Nice touch:  For the PDF files,
it recommends Ghostscript, the open source PDF viewer, over Adobe
Acrobat.)  About half the papers have a strong connection to FOS.

* Bookmark this useful chart to refresh your memory on when works of
different vintage pass into the public domain.  Thanks to the University of
North Carolina's Task Force on Intellectual Property.

* The four major papers from the 2001 SLA conference on electronic journals
have now been put online.

* Walt Crawford has put online the index to volume 1 (2001) of his
newsletter, _Cites & Insights_.

* Cisco Systems has put online the results of its unique poll of Nobel
laureates.  The prize winners still active in research use the internet,
and those whose research careers are largely behind them say they wish it
had existed earlier.  (Their median age is 72.)  67% said it would have
enabled them to do their research more quickly, and 91% said that it will
accelerate their current research.  87% said it will improve
education.  91% said it will enlarge educational opportunities.  93% said
it will give students greater access to libraries, information, and
teachers around the world.  95% said it will help scholars disseminate
their work.

* Syracuse University's School of Information Studies wants your
nominations for its second annual 21st Century Librarian Award.  Librarians
working toward FOS will satisfy several of the criteria listed on the award
web site.  Nominations are due by February 8, 2002.

* Joseph Pelton, Research Professor at George Washington University and
Director of the Arthur Clarke Institute, claims that the volume of the
world's information is growing 200,000 times faster than the world's
population.  If true, then (to quote Bonita Wilson's summary of Pelton's
talk), "the only certainty is that the way we deal with information must
and will fundamentally change."

* The November issue of _D-Lib_, has a large number of FOS-related articles:

Lee Zia on the current state of the NSF's National Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics Education Digital Library (NSDL) Program.

Jola Prinsen summarizing the sixth International Summer School on the
Digital Library (August 5-10, Tilburg, the Netherlands).

Dale Peters on an open source model for digital library development in
South Africa.

William Moen on the Z39.50 Interoperability Testbed (Zinterop) with an
invitation to libraries to participate (see FOSN for 11/2/01).

* In the October issue of _Information Research_, Donald Hawkins describes
a bibliometric study of the ejournals for the field of information science.

* In the same issue of _Information Research_ Kira Tarapanoff and three
co-authors describe an experimental use of data mining for scholarly
research.  They mined a database of French doctoral theses for knowledge
about Brazil.

* In a November 1 article in _Library Journal_, Priscilla Caplan shows why
reference linking (linking between citations and sources) is more complex
than it may appear, and describes the role of DOI's and the efforts of
CrossRef and SFX in working out a solution.  She does not mention jake or
OpCit, the more open solutions to this problem.

* In an October 1 article in _Library Journal_, Carol Tenopir collects
usage data on the major scholarly databases.  Which are the most used and
how have their relative positions changed over the past decade?

BTW, he only disciplinary guide to FOS I've seen that is comparable to
Wilson's in scope is Bernd Sebastian Kamps' Free Medical Journals.  If you
know other exemplary disciplinary guides to FOS, please let me know about them.

* Wilfrid Hodges has written a wonderfully detailed and helpful online
checklist for mathematicians deciding what contract terms to request, or to
accept, from a publisher.  The checklist was approved and recommended by
the International Mathematical Union's Committee on Electronic Information
and Communication.  Though aimed at mathematicians, Hodge's checklist and
advice apply to all academic authors.

If you plan to attend one of the following conferences, please share your
observations with us through our discussion forum.

* Eighth Call for Proposals of the European IST Programme
London, November 27

* European Forum on Harmful and Illegal Cyber Content
Strasbourg, November 28

* Canadian Digital Library Symposium
Toronto, November 28-29

* Debate between Lawrence Lessig and Jack Valenti on the impact of
intellectual property rights on innovation and creativity
Los Angeles, November 29
(There will be a live webcast for those who cannot attend.)

* Fall 2001 CNI Task Force Meeting
San Antonio, November 29-30

* eGovernment [in Europe]:  From Policy to Practice
Brussels, November 29-30

* Digital Media Revolution in the Americas
Pasadena, November 29 - December 1

* Fourth SCHEMAS Workshop:  Sharing [metadata] schemas
The Hague, November 30

* 2001 IST Exhibition and Awards
Düsseldorf, December 3

* School for Scanning:  Creating, Managing, and Preserving Digital Assets
Delray Beach, Florida, December 3-5

* Developing Digital Collections:  Why, What, Who, How?
Southborough, Massachusetts, December 4

* Online Information 2001
London, December 4-6

* Second Meeting of the Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability
Standards (CETIS) Educational Content Special Interest Group (EC SIG)
Luton, December 7

* The Electronic Library:  Strategic, Policy and Management Issues
Loughborough, December 9-14

* 4th International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries
Bangalore, December 10-12

* Moving Beyond the Catalog:  Bibliographic Access in a Web World
Worcester, Massachusetts, December 11

* Academic Institutions Transforming Scholarly Communications (SPARC/ARL
Forum at the ALA Midwinter Meeting)
New Orleans, January 18-23


The Free Online Scholarship Newsletter is supported by a grant from the
Open Society Institute.


This is the Free Online Scholarship Newsletter (ISSN 1535-7848).

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Guide to the FOS Movement

Peter Suber

Copyright (c) 2001, Peter Suber

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