Here are some statistics you might find interesting, ranking countries
on their number of registered OA Archives (absolute and relative to
population size, counting only countries with 4 or more Archives):

Population size:
OA Archives:

        Country Archs   pop(M)  ratio   rank

        USA     (127)   293.1M  43
        UK      (54)    60.3M   90      3rd/M*
        Germany (38)    82.4M   46
        Canada  (28)    32.5M   86      4th/M
        France  (19)    60.4M   32
        Brazil  (18)    184.1M  10
        Italy   (16)    58.1M   28
        Austral.(16)    19.9M   80      5th/M
        Netherl.(16)    16.3M   98      2nd/M**
        Sweden  (12)    7,5M    160     1st/M***
        India   (7)     1B      1
        Belgium (5)     10.4M   48
        Portug. (5)     10.5M   48
        Finland (4)     5.2M    77      6th/M
        Denmark (4)     5.4M    75      7th/M
        So Afr. (4)     42.7M   9
        Hungary (4)     10.0M   40
        Spain   (4)     40.3M   10
        Japan   (4)     127.3M  3

Top 12 for number of OA archives per million population:

        (1)  Sweden
        (2)  Netherlands
        (3)  UK
        (4)  Canada
        (5)  Australia
        (6)  Finland
        (7)  Denmark
        (8)  Belgium
        (9)  Portugal
        (10) Germany
        (11) US
        (12) Hungary

Top (and only) 6 for Registered Self-Archiving Policies
        (1) France
        (2) Germany
        (3) UK
        (4) Australia
        (5) Portugal
        (6) US
Policy Registry:

Country ranks for number and ratio of self-archived articles (15% worldwide):

Partial data for Biology and Social Sciences available here:


Current national tally of members of American Scientist Open Access Forum:

Not counted:

        98 COM (International)
        62 ORG (International)
        12 NET (International)

By country:

134 EDU  + 10 GOV (United States)
129 UK (United Kingdom)
47 CA (Canada)
31 DE (Germany)
22 AU (Australia)
21 FR (France)
17 IT (Italy)
11 IN (India)
10 CH (Switzerland)
10 CN (China)
10 NL (Netherlands)
8 JP (Japan)
8 PT (Portugal)
8 SE (Sweden)
6 BR (Brazil)
6 FI (Finland)
4 BE (Belgium)
4 ES (spain)
3 DK (Denmark)
3 IL (Israel)
3 ZA (South Africa)
2 AT (Austria)
2 HU (Hungary)
2 IE (Ireland)
2 MX (Mexico)
2 NZ (New Zealand)
2 SG (Singapore)
(19 other countries, 1 each)

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