Interesting statistics, Stevan. The only countries in the top 10 outside
Europe are Canada, Australia and the USA. No-one from Asia, Africa or South
America. Might this be indifference due to a language barrier (ie English
not being as universal as often supposed)? Many of those in the top 10 are
English-speaking or have a strong multi-lingual orientation. Alternatively,
though not exclusively, it may be a developing world consequence (large
populations relative to scientific enterprises).

Arthur Sale

> -----Original Message-----
> Here are some statistics you might find interesting, ranking countries
> on their number of registered OA Archives (absolute and relative to
> population size, counting only countries with 4 or more Archives):
> Sources:
> Population size:
> OA Archives:
>         Country Archs   pop(M)  ratio   rank
>         USA     (127)   293.1M  43
>         UK      (54)    60.3M   90      3rd/M*
>         Germany (38)    82.4M   46
>         Canada  (28)    32.5M   86      4th/M
>         France  (19)    60.4M   32
>         Brazil  (18)    184.1M  10
>         Italy   (16)    58.1M   28
>         Austral.(16)    19.9M   80      5th/M
>         Netherl.(16)    16.3M   98      2nd/M**
>         Sweden  (12)    7,5M    160     1st/M***
>         India   (7)     1B      1
>         Belgium (5)     10.4M   48
>         Portug. (5)     10.5M   48
>         Finland (4)     5.2M    77      6th/M
>         Denmark (4)     5.4M    75      7th/M
>         So Afr. (4)     42.7M   9
>         Hungary (4)     10.0M   40
>         Spain   (4)     40.3M   10
>         Japan   (4)     127.3M  3
> Top 12 for number of OA archives per million population:
>         (1)  Sweden
>         (2)  Netherlands
>         (3)  UK
>         (4)  Canada
>         (5)  Australia
>         (6)  Finland
>         (7)  Denmark
>         (8)  Belgium
>         (9)  Portugal
>         (10) Germany
>         (11) US
>         (12) Hungary
> Top (and only) 6 for Registered Self-Archiving Policies
>         (1) France
>         (2) Germany
>         (3) UK
>         (4) Australia
>         (5) Portugal
>         (6) US
> Policy Registry:
> Country ranks for number and ratio of self-archived articles (15%
> Partial data for Biology and Social Sciences available here:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Current national tally of members of American Scientist Open Access Forum:
> Not counted:
>         98 COM (International)
>         62 ORG (International)
>         12 NET (International)
> By country:
> 134 EDU  + 10 GOV (United States)
> 129 UK (United Kingdom)
> 47 CA (Canada)
> 31 DE (Germany)
> 22 AU (Australia)
> 21 FR (France)
> 17 IT (Italy)
> 11 IN (India)
> 10 CH (Switzerland)
> 10 CN (China)
> 10 NL (Netherlands)
> 8 JP (Japan)
> 8 PT (Portugal)
> 8 SE (Sweden)
> 6 BR (Brazil)
> 6 FI (Finland)
> 4 BE (Belgium)
> 4 ES (spain)
> 3 DK (Denmark)
> 3 IL (Israel)
> 3 ZA (South Africa)
> 2 AT (Austria)
> 2 HU (Hungary)
> 2 IE (Ireland)
> 2 MX (Mexico)
> 2 NZ (New Zealand)
> 2 SG (Singapore)
> (19 other countries, 1 each)

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