The real issue is to do with usage rights. Can any article that is presented as
being OA just be read with human eyes, or also be re-used and used for
text-mining? The answer in my view should be 'yes', re-use and text-mining, too,
whether the article is in a repository, a personal web site, or a publisher's
There may be technical issues to overcome, but there is scant reason to overcome
those for so-called OA articles if text-mining is not allowed. By the way, a
format converter to assist text-mining can be found
here: . The web version works on individual articles,
but I gather that batch processing (of the content of a repository, say) is
possible, albeit at a very small fee per article. But these kind of tools don't
make articles BOAI-compliant OA; if articles are not, permission must still be
sought. I can understand those who regard OA pretty much useless without the
rights to re-use and text-mine.


On 9 May 2012, at 13:28, Peter Murray-Rust wrote:

      On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Stevan Harnad
      <> wrote:
            A provisional definition, of a new possibility and
            vision,crafted by a team of well-meaning but not
visionaries at the time -- and since  updated in keeping 
with reality and practical experience.

This states:
 *  Because there are many different permission barriers to remove, there
    many different degrees or kinds of libre OA.  Gratis OA is just one
    thing, but libre OA is a range of things.  

Where can I find definitions or examples of Libre OA? Without those it is
effectively meaningless.


Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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