Elsevier have actually done a really good job of infiltrating institutional
repositories too:

They bought Atira back in 2012 which created PURE which is the software
that many of world's institutional repositories run on.
I presume it reports back all information to Elsevier so they can further
monetise academic IP.



On 17 May 2016 at 21:22, Joachim SCHOPFEL <joachim.schop...@univ-lille3.fr>

> Uh - "the distributed network of Green institutional repositories
> worldwide is not for sale"? Not so sure - the green institutional
> repositories can be replaced by other solutions, can't they ? Better
> solutions, more functionalities, more added value, more efficient, better
> connected to databases and gold/hybrid journals etc.
> ----- Mail d'origine -----
> De: Stevan Harnad <amscifo...@gmail.com>
> À: Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci) <goal@eprints.org>
> Envoyé: Tue, 17 May 2016 17:03:18 +0200 (CEST)
> Objet: Re: [GOAL] SSRN Sellout to Elsevier
> Shame on SSRN.
> Of course we know exactly why Elsevier acquired SSRN (and Mendeley):
> It's to retain their stranglehold over a domain (peer-reviewed
> scholarly/scientific research publishing) in which they are no longer
> needed, and in which they would not even have been able to gain as much as
> a foothold if it had been born digital, instead of being inherited as a
> legacy from an obsolete Gutenberg era.
> I don't know about Arxiv (needless centralization and its concentrated
> expenses are always vulnerabe to faux-benign take-overs) but what's sure is
> that the distributed network of Green institutional repositories worldwide
>  is not for sale, and that is their strength...
> Stevan Harnad
> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 8:03 AM, Bo-Christer Björk <
> bo-christer.bj...@hanken.fi> wrote:
>> This is an interesting news item which should interest the
>> readers of this list. Let's hope arXiv is not for sale.
>> Bo-Christer Björk
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject:
>> Message from Mike Jensen, SSRN Chairman
>> Date: Tue, 17 May 2016 07:40:29 -0400 (EDT)
>> From: Michael C. Jensen <ad...@ssrn.com> <ad...@ssrn.com>
>> Reply-To:
>> supp...@ssrn.com
>> To: bo-christer.bj...@hanken.fi
>> [image: Web Bug from
>> http://hq.ssrn.com/GroupProcesses/TrackEmailOpening.cfm?partid=2338421&corid=4024&runid=15740]
>> <http://hq.ssrn.com/GroupProcesses/RedirectClick.cfm?partid=2338421&corid=4024&runid=15740&url=http://www.ssrn.com>
>> Dear SSRN Authors,
>> SSRN announced today that it has changed ownership. SSRN is
>> joining Mendeley <https://www.mendeley.com/?signout> and Elsevier
>> <https://www.elsevier.com>
>> to coordinate our development and delivery of new products and
>> services, and we look forward to our new access to data, products,
>> and additional resources that this change facilitates. (See Gregg
>> Gordon’s Elsevier
>> Connect
>> <https://www.elsevier.com/connect/ssrn-the-leading-social-science-and-humanities-repository-and-online-community-joins-elsevier>
>> post)
>> Like SSRN, Mendeley and Elsevier are focused on creating tools
>> that enhance researcher workflow and productivity. SSRN has been
>> at the forefront of on-line sharing of working papers. We are
>> committed to continue our innovation and this change will enable
>> that to happen more quickly. SSRN will benefit from access to the
>> vast new data and resources available, including Mendeley’s
>> reference management and personal library management tools, their
>> new researcher profile capabilities, and social networking
>> features. Importantly, we will also have new access for SSRN
>> members to authoritative performance measurement tools such as
>> those powered by Scopus <https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/scopus> and
>> Newsflo
>> <http://hq.ssrn.com/GroupProcesses/RedirectClick.cfm?partid=2338421&corid=4024&runid=15740&url=http://www.newsflo.net>
>> (a global media tracking tool). In addition, SSRN, Mendeley and
>> Elsevier together can cooperatively build bridges to close the
>> divide between the previously separate worlds and workflows of
>> working papers and published papers.
>> We realize that this change may create some concerns about the
>> intentions of a legacy publisher acquiring an open-access working
>> paper repository. I shared this concern. But after much discussion
>> about this matter and others in determining if Mendeley and
>> Elsevier would be a good home for SSRN, I am convinced that they
>> would be good stewards of our mission. And our copyright policies
>> are not in conflict -- our policy has always been to host only
>> papers that do not infringe on copyrights. I expect we will have
>> some conflicts as we align our interests, but I believe those will
>> be surmountable.
>> Until recently I was convinced that the SSRN community was best
>> served being a stand-alone entity. But in evaluating our future in
>> the evolving landscape, I came to believe that SSRN would benefit
>> from being more interconnected and with the resources available
>> from a larger organization. For example, there is scale in systems
>> administration and security, and SSRN can provide more value to
>> users with access to more data and resources.
>> On a personal note, it has been an honor to be involved over the
>> past 25 years in the founding and growth of the SSRN website and
>> the incredible community of authors, researchers and institutions
>> that has made this all possible. I consider it one of my great
>> accomplishments in life. The community would not have been
>> successful without the commitment of so many of you who have
>> contributed in so many ways. I am proud of the community we have
>> created, and I invite you to continue your involvement and support
>> in this effort.
>> The staff at SSRN are all staying (including Gregg Gordon, CEO and
>> myself), the Rochester office is still in place, it will still be
>> free to upload and download papers, and we remain committed to
>> “Tomorrow’s Research Today”. I look forward to and am committed to
>> a successful transition and to another great 25 years for the SSRN
>> community that rivals the first.
>> Michael C. Jensen
>> Founder & Chairman, SSRN
>> ------------------------------
>> Search
>> the SSRN eLibrary
>> <http://hq.ssrn.com/GroupProcesses/RedirectClick.cfm?partid=2338421&corid=4024&runid=15740&url=http://papers.ssrn.com/>
>> | Browse
>> <http://hq.ssrn.com/GroupProcesses/RedirectClick.cfm?partid=2338421&corid=4024&runid=15740&url=http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/DisplayJournalBrowse.cfm>
>> | Top
>> Papers
>> <http://hq.ssrn.com/GroupProcesses/RedirectClick.cfm?partid=2338421&corid=4024&runid=15740&url=http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/topten/topTenPapers.cfm>
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Ross Mounce, PhD
Software Sustainability Institute Fellow 2016
Dept. of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge
www.rossmounce.co.uk <http://rossmounce.co.uk/>
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