On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 10:48 AM Samuel Moore <samuel.moor...@gmail.com>

I share Sam's concerns.

> I’d be interested to hear more on the 'high-level' focus of your group and
> whether you see it as antagonistic to non-high-level approaches. Put
> another way, are you not simply looking for common ground between the
> groups who are already in charge of scholarly communication (policymakers,
> commercial publishers, senior figures, etc.) to the exclusion of those
> operating at the margins?
> I agree,
I am concerned about several demographics:
* citizens outside academia
* young people
* the Global South.

I am an old white anglophone male so I cannot speak other that to P.urge
that the initiative is taken by different demographics.
I also think the effect of the capitalist publishing industry, whether
closed or Open Access has been hugely detrimental. To the extent that I can
carry the views of others , I believe these views are shared by many.


"I always retain copyright in my papers, and nothing in any contract I sign
with any publisher will override that fact. You should do the same".

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader Emeritus in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dept. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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