To Goans Everywhere,

As Ema has rightly said, "Catholic" means universal  --  which the Church
really is  --  there are different "rites"  --
Latin, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Syro-Malabar, etc  --  and now that
most of our celebrations are in the vernacular  --  the "Latin" rite is no
longer Latin  --  the first public sermon that the Apostles gave in
Jerusalem, the people collected there heard and understood them in their own
languages  --  so obviously translation of all our rituals into the local
language is very much God's plan.

I personally therefore object to the term "Roman Catholic" (which was
interoduced by the British to differentiate us from Anglicans --  I much
prefer "Christian"  which then associates me with Jesus Christ and not with
any human organisation.

Also being a "Christian" requires that we follow a "Christian" life  --
i.e. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR  --  irrespective of CASTE, Creed and colour.

Here's wishing that all of us are given God's grace to "Love our Neighbour"
even on the internet  --  squabbling and calling each other names is not
being a good Christian.


Aloysius D'Souza

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