>But that should not give anyone the right to impose their views (be 
>it scientific or diabolical) on the faith-filled who believe and 
>trust in God's omnipotence. Can we live and let live? There is ample 
>room for all of us to attain their chosen destinations!
>Can we then all not agree to close this thread -- which has been 
>unduly prolonged? Referee Viviana may have a soft spot for you and 
>not command you to hold your peace. But the Admin. Team ought to 
>step in at some point and close the Thread :)

Dear Paddy:

Thanks for expressing you opinion. I think it should have been clear 
to you from all my past discussions in this and other forums that 
even though I express my views forcefully, I have no desire to impose 
them on others. In fact, I assume that most people who have been 
indoctrinated into traditional modes of thinking would never be 
persuaded by the logic or the substance of my presentation. I always 
welcome others to challenge my views, so all sides of an issue are 
presented. The need to present a balanced view on important matters 
that impact our lives and minds has been the sole driving principle 
behind all my discourses on all mailing lists. My only intention is 
to provide others access to factually accurate information, and an 
effective counterbalance to one-sided information and opinion.

As far as this thread is concerned, I have already made all the 
substantive points that I wanted to make. I will not respond to any 
more posts by Joel, Joe Vaz or anybody on this issue at this time. 
But that does not mean that I forfeit my right to debate this issue 
some other time, should somebody decide to launch yet another barrage 
of one-sided miracle claims in this forum. It is interesting to note 
that nobody asks these guys and gals to hold their peace. Perhaps, 
this prenuptial expression does not apply to people who are already 
married to their particular faith, and who proudly wear that flashy 
ring on their finger. But I would not want them to hold their peace 
either. The uninhibited war of words is more enlightening and 
enriching than the uneasy silence of enforced peace.

Viviana does not have a soft spot for me. She strongly disagrees with 
me on most issues. She regards the rest as Pandurangisms. The Admin. 
Team is free to to do whatever they want to do. I only hope they are 
even-handed about it.

Thanks for asking me to elaborate on my views on lunar effects and 
other things in private. I will try to do that.

Best Regards,


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