SAR News Sep.23, 2002

Bangalore: SAR News

The All India Catholic Union (AICU) national president, Dr. Maria Emilia Menezes, and 
vice-president, Mr.. John Dayal, September 14 appealed to the Prime Minister, Mr. Atal 
Behari Vajpayee, and Defence Minister, Mr. George Fernandes, to intervene directly to 
save the historic Church of the Springs on the Island of Anjedeva, off the coast of 
Karwar in Karnataka State.

In a statement released in Panaji, Goa, the Christian leaders said the Island Church 
would be put out of bounds to the faithful from May 2003 because of the new Indian 
Navy base being built in the area. It further said that "the church is of 
international historicity and an important component of our national, plural cultural 
heritage. It has a deep emotional appeal for the Christians of Goa, Maharashtra and 
Karnataka, and particularly for the Catholic community of the entire Western Coast for 
whom the prayer sessions twice a year are an important part of their religious 

The Catholic Union reaffirmed that the Church and the worshippers were not a threat to 
national security. "Christians serve with great distinction in the Defence forces and 
many have made the supreme sacrifice defending its territorial integrity. We urge the 
Prime Minister and the Defence Minister to request the Navy to make suitable 
arrangements so that religious services, which have been carried on for centuries, are 
not interrupted," the statement said.

The AICU, which met in a two-day annual general meeting in Panaji last week, also took 
notice of the situation in Goa and its impact on the Christian community and other 
minorities. In this context, the AICU expressed its concern at the decline in numbers 
of Catholic youth being recruited to various ranks of the Goa Police department.

Some northern States, including Punjab and Haryana, have also been guilty of ignoring 
the Christian community in Government employment, particularly in gazetted ranks, the 
Union said. "Unless checked urgently and the trend reversed, this decline in jobs for 
the minorities, particularly in administrative and police forces, can lead to the 
rapid disempowerment of the community."

The AICU noted that the Supreme Court has agreed that "education of religions has to 
be differentiated from religious education imparted in minority educational 
institutions." The Catholic Union said it has always held that children must know 
about all religions in a manner that expands their understanding of our plural 
heritage. "We hope that the Central Government as well as State Governments and their 
educational structures will follow the Supreme Court ruling." The Catholic Union 
called upon the State Governments and educational institutions to ensure that 
textbooks are reviewed for their content, "which distorts the history of religions and 
their teachings, or otherwise demonises some religions." END

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