What's On In Goa:
* Oct 8: Vegetarian Society meet, Miramar 6.30pm Youth Hostel
* Oct 11: Konkani translation of Satre work, Alliance Francaise
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Oct 15: Magic in town... Illusion India magic show, Pnj then Vasco
* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com

The unfortunate fact is that the Vatican is "hell" bent on the quick 
canonization of Mother Teresa - not that she was not a good person.

The Vatican seems to have some sort of "preferential" list. The founder of 
the controversial Opus Dei - a Spanish priest who died in 1975 - has already 
been declared a saint by the Vatican.

Meanwhile, our good people like Padre Agnel and Blessed Fr. J. Vaz have to 
wait their turn - if and when that happens.

Tim de Mello
Ontario, CANADA

>From: "Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re:  [Goanet] Skepticism towards Mother Teresa's 'miracle'
>Date: Sun, 06 Oct 2002 19:51:23 -0000
>WebSiteWatch (WSW)
>* http://www.goatourism.org GOA TOURISM
>* http://www.paulotravels.com Volvo buses too
>What's On In Goa:
>* Oct 11: ML Sardesai's translation of Satre's "Les Mots" in Konkani, 
>* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
>* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com
>--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >The miracle, involving a tribal girl, Monica Besra, who was
> >reportedly cured of an ovarian tumour by praying to Mother Teresa,
> >was recognised as such by the Vatican earlier this week.
> >
>Here's a BBC report on additional skepticism regarding the above
>miracle. It is high time that such sensible opposing views receive
>the prominence that they deserve. We have to recognize that there is
>a downside to the publicity that these miracle claims typically get,
>especially in developing countries like India with high levels of
>illiteracy. This downside is well stated in the following quote from
>the BBC report:
>"The doctors say that if the story of the miracle gets what they
>describe as undue publicity, illiterate and poor villagers may stop
>taking medical treatment for their maladies and seek miracle cures."

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