
 I just had to share this with you.  Its so cute.  My niece who is 9 wrote
 it.  At present in Canada.

 She had to make a class presentation i.e. public speaking. Write her own
 story and say it. This girl has chosen and written this story by herself. I
 just edited it for her. She has been chosen among the 10 kids in her class
 for the final round. She was asked just to improve on her delivery, and was
 told her contents are very good.




 Can you guess whose birthday is the most popular among all? 75% of the
 people celebrate it. This also happens to be the most exciting time of the
 year!  Everyone loves it!

 Good morning Judges, teachers, parents and fellow students. My name is
 Michelle. Today, I will talk to you about Christmas. So much plays a part
 of Christmas. Angels, Virgin Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, Wise-men. Anyways
 let me just tell you about it.

 One day the Angel Gabriel came down from heaven and said to Mary, "Blessed
 are You, because you will have a Son who will be the most high. You will
 call him Jesus. He will be God's son and will be the saviour whom people
 have been waiting for. Mary said, "I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be
 done according to thy will".  Then she got married to Joseph, the
 carpenter. He was a good man. On the twenty-fifth of December, Mary gave
 birth to baby Jesus in Bethlehem. He was not born
 in a palace, but in a manger in a cattle shed. He was the king of all
 kings. After Jesus was born, the three kings who were three wise-men,
 noticed a bright star in the sky and knew what the meaning of it was. It
 was a sign that a king was born. They followed the star and found the baby
 Jesus. They gave him presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Herod was
 the king at the time when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. He was
  a wicked man.  He had asked the three wise men to let him know where the
 baby king was born, but they returned to their country by another road.
 Well, this is how Christmas started two thousand and two years ago. It is
 the day we celebrate Jesus' birthday.

 *The three wise men represent the people who worship God and also people
 who exchange gifts on Christmas Day. There is always more joy in giving,
 than receiving. Christmas brings joy to everyone. It brings families
 together. It brings smiles to people's faces and makes everyone so happy.
 People exchange gifts during this season. In my family, it a tradition that
 we take a Christmas lunch to either a Home for the poor or aged and I
 always look forward to wishing these lonely people. Christmas is the time
 you spend with the family. Families usually get together from far and near.
 Catholics celebrate Christmas by going for mass. It is also that time of
 the year when Santa makes his appearance with his sack of presents. And
 when Santa comes around you can see the children are so happy and are

 *My best Christmas was infact just this last one, the 2002 Christmas.  I
 spend it in Chicago where my grandmother lives with my uncle. Most of my
 family gathered there. We went for the midnight mass and as it started
 snowing just before the mass, the whole place was brightly lit up with the
 snow. The chapel was very beautifully decorated and the choir sang very
 nice carols and hymns. After the mass everyone was greeting each other. In
 the morning, my whole family and me sat beside the Christmas tree and
 opened our presents. I was so excited to open my presents and all of them
 were the things I really wanted. My best gift was a telescope given to me
 by my grandmother. It was the Christmas I will never forget. On Christmas
 Day people usually have special dinners with Turkey and a lot of food. This
 year for a change we had Steaks and it was fun!!

 *I know it is rather too early in the year to wish you a Merry Christmas
 but I will do so all the same. I hope you and your families have a Very
 Merry 2003 Christmas and I hope you will always remember the Christmas
 story and What Christmas really means.

 Thank you

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