You are an expert at inventing futile issues, but this time I shall clarify your ackward perplexity. My name is Rui Manuel Miranda Collaço, and obviously you were in no doubt about it. I enjoy confusing some susceptible minds.

Long names are not a Portuguese tradition, they are a Goan one. Most Portuguese people I know have short names. Of course some surnames can be long, but you can't change them. Please find better issues for your daily Portugal-bashing feature.

It is funny to quote Disraeli when statistics are of no use to you! Of course you can't question them in a serious way. When I read your postings, I think that some of your ideas belong to the time B. Disraeli lived. For instance, I can see, reading the post below, that you have a serious problem with the colour of your skin. I presume you are very brown and you don't like it, and you have an inferiority complex. Above all, you can't figure out how people of your colour can live in countries like Portugal, where the majority is white. But I cannot explain properly to you how easy it is to live in this country as a brown or even a black. For me it's a non-issue, and also for the majority of my countryman. Only if you come here and see for yourself you may rid your mind of the cobwebs that fill it. Meanwhile you may continue with your sarcasms about skin colour - you only cover yourself with ridicule.

I know you are very upset at having some people standing up at some utterances on Goanet, and actually setting the record straight. I believe it's a free forum, that's the marvel of internet. Why can't you democratically accept other people´s views? It would appear that you inherited Salazar's traits. You want to shut me out of Goanet, but I have no intention of following your suggestion. I shall send postings to Goanet whenever I feel like, or better still, whenever people like you give me a good reason to. as for the euros, bad luck, no euros left for you. Your elected Government makes sure no Portuguese euros reach Goa. They are going to East Timor instead, lots of them. The East Timorese welcome them, and do their thanking in Portuguese.

Rui Collaço


From: Miguel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Goa's social indicators
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2003 09:19:12 +0530

I know that "Gilbert" on the net is Dr.Gilbert Lawrence. Is the "Rui
*Miranda* Collaco" on [EMAIL PROTECTED] the same as the "Rui *Manuel*
Collaco" on [EMAIL PROTECTED] who asks Gilbert, "why don't people
identify themselves on Goanet?"
The Portuguese tradition of giving the hapless infant a 'litany' instead of
a 'name' leaves customs officials in most countries breathless while
confirming the identity of the traveller[ I am one victim of this
tradition].Is Rui getting confused about the three names he chose to use--or
are there two of a kind from Lisbon on the net?

As for the statistics,I will only quote Benjamin Disraeli{then PM of UK}:
"There are three kinds of lies: lies,damned lies and statistics"
Nothing different in India or Portugal.Even in UK ,they recently 'sexed up'
data on Iraq!All is fair in love and war.So what if Dr.Kelly died
'mysteriously' for stating the truth?

We are better off in Goa now than in 1961.In Portugal people may be still
better off than us.Let them rejoice in their progress as we do in ours.
Goans do not preach to the Portuguese[white skinned or otherwise] how to
keep up with the Brits.We do not want to be preached at either.If they feel
we are not as well off as they are, let them send us Euros instead of futile
postings on goanet. Let the Portuguese conduct their debate on their own net
groups[start a new one if there isn't one to accommodate all the 'Goa
experts' in that country].Goanet is not for Portuguese hegemony. Those days
are long past, placed in the non-biodegradable garbage dump of history! Rui
will understand this;it is beyond the level of a bigot like Bernado.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Rui Collaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 5:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Goa's social indicators

> Can anyone see sarcasm in my text? I fail to see where. But I am no expert in English, it's an alien language > to me which I rarely speak, my mother tongue is Portuguese. > >* Rui Miranda Collaço* > > Lisbon

If you stood on the soil of Goa in 1960and again in 2000, and saw the all
round improvement of all socialparameters, I can assure you that we would
not be having this debatein the first place.
Gilbert--and thats my name.
> >
> >
> >--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Rui Collaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Inaccuracies or deliberate misinformation should not pass on
> >Goanet. That's my "agenda". The figures on Goa's social indicators given
> >"Gilbert" (*why don't people identify themselves on Goanet?*), seemed
very good to
> >me, for a third world region
> > > One last bit of info: Portugal's rate was 53 in 1970, and is now 5.The
> > > U.K.'s is 6. That's in the United Nations Human Development
> > * Rui Manuel Collaço*
> > >
> > > Lisbon

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