With nothing much of interest or import to read on the GoaNet, I surfed
the web to check Goa news. In Navhind Times I read the following piece
which has been at odds with the impression one gets by reading the
postings on the GoaNet or some other nets. The article appeared on
Saturday, September 27, 2003. I encourage the cyberGoans to read the
article (and the views of the natives) in its entirety. Regards, GL

Majority of Goans optimistic about the major event 
by Shaikh Jamaluddin 

Panaji Sept 26: Most Goans have rosy picture in their mind about the
International Film Festival of India (IFFI) and are anxiously waiting
with open arms to offer Goan hospitality for which Goans are proud of,
to the film personalities who would grace the occasion.

Excitement writ large on the faces of hoteliers to the layman and from
office goers to the housewives with high expectations about the major

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