Hi Lino and Fred,

Thanks a million for your intellectual responses. Here are my

>   No. I do not live in Portugal. I live in Dorval, Quebec, Canada.

Response: This highlights the value of posts carrying the name and
residence of the author given than Goans live in a world-wide Diaspora.
I would encourage stating it (residence) in the new discussion group.
Residence can convey to the readers the background to viewpoint / bias
of the author.

> I read quite extensively into Quebec history, which has many
similarities with Goa-Portuguese history.

Response: While specific details are different, it is interesting to see
how history repeats itself. Human nature doesn't change much over time
or place. 

> I think Portugal was economically hemorrhaging defending her Colonial
system - 1940-1961. Because, Salazar's Government considered Goa as a
province of Portugal, I think, he felt a moral obligation rather than
economics. He also considered that he had a mission to civilize us - his
Acto Colonial, 1928.

> Even then, no 'owner' would want to give up anything... maybe even if
only out of habit.... A toehold can be very tiny, but still very useful.

Response: The price of being bull-headed can be high. But even in a
dictatorship (surrounded by mirror-images) at some point, one has to do
at least mentally a 'cost-benefit evaluation'. Even reckless people do
not want to throw good money (assets) after bad (money/assets)!

So now my question:
If Goa was not a money-making asset to Portugal, how did the then
natives (those seeking Goa 'finding its own destiny' / independence)
think they would have a positive balance of payments by running things
themselves? Or in other words where would they have expanded their
revenues or cut their costs? Mind you the natives were not thinking of
any "defense outlays" or how they would pay for all the economic /social
growth of the citizens.

I look forward to your scholarly response and that from others. GL

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