Security for Israelis in Goa:

I think Tim makes a very good point about the increased cost of:
1. Security for Israelis vacationing in Goa.
2. Security of Goan Tourism to prevent a terrorist act occurring in Goa.
3. Security for Goans in Goa due to foreign terrorism in Goa.

However I think that is the responsibility of the Central and State
governments rather than an individual hotel owner. Hence his suggestion
that Israel tourists should be charged 2x or 3x (over other tourist) for
the cost of that security is both discriminatory to the Israeli tourists
and unfair to the hotel and restaurant owners. How would this increase
charge translate into ameliorating any of the above concerns?

The Delhi government should take this issue with the Israel embassy and
the Goa government with Israel consulate (if one exists in Goa). The
governments should be asked to defray the cost of and ensure the
increased security/ vigilance and financial insurance if such a
situation should happen.

This may be a good opportunity for an enterprising Goan especially a
retired army man to train in Israel and set up a school and business
service in Goa to provide private security protection to commercial
establishments in Goa and in India. This would be a good way to
transform a challenge into a business prospect. - Making lemonade from a
Lemon. Tim may perhaps plant this idea among native Goans
Regards, GL

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