Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

IMO, opinions better come with a name attached.
anonymous opinion is irresponsible. we could end up
with "kadli jib, layli talleak". heck, even "bharati"
bernardo sticks his name to his opinions! 


> --__--__--
> Message: 17
> Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2004 18:55:33 +0530
> From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet]Re: Let's have some humanity here
> The e-mail below was sent to me by a female
> correspondent of mine. She has 
> two children in their twenties. She does not wish to
> be identified.
> -------------- quote --------
> Gosh! That someone actually dares to write crap like
> this - flush them out!
> Prostitution is the world's oldest profession and
> much as we may all want 
> to be neighbours of the ladies, we must accept that
> in the absence of a 
> social security system which puts food in their
> mouths (and their 
> children/parents, whatever) a woman will sell her
> body - as I a sure a man 
> would too. After all, what cost morality when you
> are dying of hunger?

the dogma of fatalism or predestined karma argues that
a woman has to prostitute herself out of economic
necessity. wrong argument. please note the vast
majority of poor women (and men) who work as ayahs,
hawkers, farmers, servants etc. 

> Better still is to take a much broader and humane
> approach - LEGALISE 
> prostitution. Cover the prostitutes under unions,
> medical 
> protection/insurance schemes. Educate them about the
> dangers of their 
> profession and within that create as `safe' a
> working place as possible - 
> free from the exploitation of pimps and other scum
> that thrive on those who 
> have to sell their bodies.

your solution is a positive encouragement of bums. if
you reward bums, you end up producing more bums. 

it is just as 'humane' to shut down prostitution or to
manage it with a reward and punishment policy. both
the demand and supply ends need to be controlled. 

> I think, in this case, Ms Periera is more worried
> about straying 
> husband/sons/brothers and seems to have forgotten
> some very basic 
> principles - not just of Christianity but of simple
> humanity.

christian socialism like communism is innately stupid.

The worry of straying husband/sons/brothers is
reality, responses hard wired into the brain of a
woman necessary for her own success. to despise this
behavior is suicidal. moral principles are a fashion
of the times, they change with time. 

we should seek answers in science, in biology, in
human behavior. not the bible, nor fashionable dogma.

> ------- unquote ----

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