As usual, Gilbert is again choosing to obfuscate the
the fundamental issues at hand. When confronted with
facts of catholic churches having being built on
temples, the topic was changed to whether churches
were built next to destroyed temples.

Gilbert was asked to back up his allegations made
against Tariq and he has yet again provided no clear
answer to it.

The revisionist campaign has now moved on to Tipu
Sultan and the allegation of atrocities committed by
his army against (the still large and thriving) Goan
catholics in Manglore. The fact is that there is much
in dispute on what Tipu Sultan did or did not do. Many
belonging to the hindu right do share Gilbert's
opinion of Tipu Sultan. The alternate opinion is that
he was very tolerant of hindus and supported the
reconstruction of old hindu temples and had many hindu
princes in his goverment. 

One fact that is very clear is that Tipu Sultan's
forces were heavily armed and supported by the
(catholic) French. Without their support, it is
questionable if Tipu would have been able to take on
the British and the regional powers for as long as he
did. For those who are not aware, the French were at
that time competing with the British to establish
themselves in India.

With regards to the alleged "massacre" of the
christians in Manglore, there is no doubt that he used
force quell the christian community there. Manglore
had been under his domain for a long time and was
never subject to religious subjugation either by him
or his father for many decades of their rule. The
reason for his eventual attack was because it the
catholics in Manglore sensed they could get special
favors from the British and decided to switch sides. 
Kind of reminds me of the musical chair politics that
takes place in Goa. Jokes aside, it is clear that his
French backed army did not target them because of
their religion. His response was therefore quite
logical (though harsh) considering he was fighting for
his very existance. In the end, he was defeated and
killed by the British, which resulted in the door
finally being opened to British rule in south.


--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gilbert Lawrence:
> "All their (Manglorean former Goan Catholics) lands,
> goods and personal
> property were confiscated and given away to loyal
> subjects. Their
> churches were destroyed and many of the stones were
> used to build
> mosques and other monuments." Wonder how often Tariq
> has railed against
> this episode in Goan history - the ultimate revision
> of the history of
> Goans. 
> Santosh:
> As far as I know, Tariq has never railed against
> anything in Goan
> history. There is no virtue in claiming that one's
> own religious bigots
> killed less number of people than someone else's
> religious bigots, let
> alone doing it by using unsubstantiated and
> fabricated facts. If one
> wants to revise history to feel good about one's
> past, one can certainly
> do it better by not taunting others.
> Gilbert Lawrence: 
> Regards: "As far as I know, Tariq has never railed
> against anything in
> Goan 
> History". Your memory is either short and/or your
> historical facts are
> convenient. The point: there are all kinds of bigots
> including yours and
> mine. 

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